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FREITAS, Thiago Cirne. The development of the BMJVS from the perspective of its special collections: ownership and provenance marks in the PGE-RJ context . Rio de Janeiro: sd
FREITAS, Thiago Cirne.. Ex libris : a mark of passion for the book. Rio de Janeiro: sd
PARPINELLI, Gabriela Cervellini de Farias, GREENHALGH, Raphael Diego. Guidelines for the management and technical processing of the SiB-UnB ex-libris collection. Brasilia: 2018.
PINHEIRO, Priscila da Costa; VICENTE, Sergio Augusto. A brand of ownership: the ex libris at the Mariano Procópio Museum (Juiz de Fora – MG). Juiz de Fora: Mariano Procópio Museum.
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