Exhibitions on Ex-libris in Brazil

⊳ 1st Brazilian Ex-libris Exhibition – Organized by the Ex-libris Amateur Society. Held at the National Museum of Fine Arts, RJ
⊳ 2nd Brazilian Ex-libris Exhibition - Organized by the Society of National Artists. Held at the National Museum of Fine Arts, RJ.
⊳ 1st Municipal Exhibition of Ex-libris. Assírio Hall, Municipal Theater, RJ.
⊳ 1st General Exhibition of the Army (The Army in Ex-libris by Alberto Lima).
⊳ 1st Municipal Book and Ex-libris Exhibition . Carioca Academy of Letters - April/May.
⊳ 1st Ex-libris Exhibition. Faculty of Law, Recife, PE.
⊳ 1st Exhibition of Ex-libris of the Guild of Ex-libris of Vila Izabel - September.
⊳ 1st Espirito Santo Ex-libris Exhibition. Vitória, ES – March.
⊳ 1st Exhibition commemorating the 144th anniversary of the Foundation of the National Press Department. Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
⊳ 1st Intercontinental Exhibition of Ex-libris. Rio de Janeiro, RJ - November.
⊳ 2nd Exhibition commemorating the 145th anniversary of the Foundation of the National Press Department. Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
⊳ 2nd Municipal Exhibition of Ex-libris . City Hall of the Federal District - General Secretariat of Education and Culture - Municipal Library. Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
⊳ 1st Vilavelhense Ex-libris Exhibition. Vila Velha, ES – December.
⊳ 1st Valencian Ex-Libris Exhibition . Valencian Academy of Letters. Valencia, RJ - August.
⊳ 3rd Commemorative Exhibition of the 146th of the Foundation of the National Press Department. Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
⊳1st São Paulo Ex-libris Exhibition . Sao Paulo, SP - November.
⊳ 1st Exhibition of ex-libris of the Brazilian Excursionist Center, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
⊳ 1st Ex-libris Exhibition in Salvador – Gabinete Português de Leitura, RJ.
⊳ Ex-libris Exhibition – Banco do Brasil Athletic Association.
⊳4th Exhibition commemorating the 147th anniversary of the Foundation of the National Press Department. Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
⊳ 1st Exhibition of Ex-libris in Salvador – Gabinete Português de Leitura.
⊳ Ex-libris Exhibition – Banco do Brasil Athletic Association, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
⊳ 1st Exhibition of Ex-libris in Paraná. Curitiba, PR – September.
⊳ 5th Exhibition commemorating the 148th anniversary of the Foundation of the National Press Department, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
⊳ 1st Vassourense Ex-libris Exhibition. Brooms, RJ.
⊳ 2nd Valencian Ex-libris Exhibition. Valencia, RJ - May.
⊳ 3rd Valencian Ex-libris Exhibition . Valencia, RJ, - November.
⊳ 6th Exhibition commemorating the 149th anniversary of the Foundation of the National Press Department. Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
⊳ 1st Cearense Ex-libris Exhibition . Fortaleza, CE.
⊳ 4th Valencian Ex-libris Exhibition. Valencia, RJ - May.
⊳ 5th Valencian Ex-libris Exhibition. Valencia, RJ - November.
⊳ Exhibition of Portuguese Ex-libris from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
⊳ Exhibition of Ex-libris of the National School of Fine Arts . Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
⊳ Exhibition of Ex-libris from Brazil and Portugal (José Mesquita dos Santos Collection) . Salvador BA.
⊳ Exhibition of Ex-libris. University of Brazil, RJ.
⊳ 1st Exhibition of Ex-libris in Salvador. Portuguese Reading Office. Salvador BA.
⊳ 6th Valencian Ex-Libris Exhibition. Valencia, RJ – November.
⊳ 1st Exhibition of Ex-libris from Brazil and Portugal . Portuguese Reading Office,
Salvador BA.
⊳ 7th Valencian Ex-Libris Exhibition. Valencia, RJ – May.
⊳ 8th Valencian Ex-Libris Exhibition. Valencia, RJ – November.
⊳ Ex-libris, Coat of Arms of the Spirit: Jorge de Oliveira. Valencian Academy of Letters, Valencia, RJ.
⊳ 1st Riberopretana Ex-libris Exhibition. Ribeirão Preto, SP - December 29th to 31st.
⊳ Exhibition of the José Mesquita dos Santos Collection . Portuguese Reading Office, Salvador, BA.
⊳ International Exhibition of Ex-libris – Real Gabinete Português de Leitura , RJ – November.
⊳ 1st Luso-Brazilian Ex-libris Exhibition. Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
⊳ 1st Luso-Brazilian Ex-libris Exhibition . Calouste Gulbenkian Municipal Educational Center, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
⊳ 1st South-Brazilian ex-libris exhibition . Organized by Jorge de Oliveira. Hunter, SC.
⊳ Exhibition of Ex-libris. UFPR Art, Video & Company Room, Curitiba, PR - March 18th.
⊳ Ex libris: the Rescue. Coordinated by Stella Maris Figueiredo Bertinazzo. 312 Sul Public Library, Brasília, DF.
⊳ Ex libris: the rescue . Coordinated by Stella Maris Figueiredo Bertinazzo. UnB - Engraving Center, Brasília, DF - August.
⊳ Ex-libris Exhibition . Individual by Jorge de Oliveira. Contestado Auditorium, Caçador, SC.
⊳ Exhibition of Ex-libris: Woodcut . Coordinated by Stella Maris Figueiredo Bertinazzo. Work carried out by students of the Ex-libris Course and part of the collection of the UnB Library. Meznino do Espaço Cultural da 508, Sul, Brasília, DF - 01 da 19 e Junho.
⊳ Ex libris: the Rescue. coordinated by Stella Maris Figueiredo Bertinazzo. Headquarters of the Graphic Industries Employers' Union.
⊳ Ex libris: the Rescue. Coordinated by Stella Maris Figueiredo Bertinazzo. MASP (Library Showcase), São Paulo, SP.
⊳ Ex-libris of Jorge de Oliveira. BESC Cultural Space, Caçador, SC - May 11th to 31st.
⊳ I Exhibition of American Ex-libris. Cultural Center Brazil United States (CCBEU). Belém, PA - July.
⊳ Ex eroticis, the intimacy of art. Coordinated by Stella Maris Figueiredo Bertinazzo. Bar Sebastian, Brasilia, DF.
⊳ Ex libris: small object of desire . Coordinated by Stella Maris Figueiredo Bertinazzo. Section of Rare Works/BCE, Brasília, DF.
⊳ Ex libris: small object of desire. Coordinated by Stella Maris Figueiredo Bertinazzo. Sampling exhibition of the ex libris collection of the Rare Works Section of the Central Library of the University of Brasília. Alceu Amoroso Lima Center for Liberdade, Petrópolis, RJ. - December 11 to January 15, 1999.
⊳ 1st Apolo Ex-libris Exhibition – Books & Arts. Belém, PA – June 12th to July 17th.
⊳ Exhibition on Ex-libris. – Organized by the Carlos Costa Pinto Foundation and the Margarida Costa Pinto Library, Salvador, BA - November.
⊳ International Exhibition of Ex-libris by Jorge de Oliveira. Integrated Colleges of Palmas, PR.
Ex-libris Exhibition (Virtual Exhibition). Organized by the Division of Libraries and Documentation at PUC-Rio. - June.
⊳ Ex-libris exhibition: collection of the Public Library of Paraná. Curitiba, PR.
⊳ Ex-libris: the rescue - Jorge de Oliveira . Casa de Cultura, Caçador, SC - September 27th to October 25th.
⊳ Ex Libris . 34th Book Fair of the City of Pelotas, Pelotas RS.
⊳ Ex-libris exhibition: a revitalized collection. Casa Andrade Muricy, Curitiba, PR - June 9th to September 11th.
⊳ Ex-libris at Sea . Navy Museum. Rio de Janeiro, RJ - June 8th to October 31st.
⊳ Ex-Libris. Affects: Passions, Collections, Stories and Memories. Craft Culture Point. Casino/Rio Grande, RS.
⊳ Barão do Rio Branco: collector of ex-libris. Brazilian Academy of Letters, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - April 19th to June 22nd.
⊳ Ex-libris of George Gutlich - Curated by Carolina Vigna, responsible for the Library of Rare Works by Paulo Antonio Gomes Cardim. Belas Artes University Center of São Paulo, SP- April to May.
⊳ This book is mine!: ex-libris and other proprietary marks - Exhibition of rare works from the Eichenberg Collection. Central Library of the University of Rio Grande do Sul, RS - June.
⊳ Exhibition of books: ex-libris in the special collections of UFMG – Promoted by the University Library of UFMG. For the exhibition, ex-libris present in works from the 16th to 19th centuries and examples of Brazilian ex-libris from the 20th century, collected by Décio Pereira de Vasconcelos, were selected. Special Collections Division, on the 4th floor of the Central Library, on the Pampulha campus, Belo Horizonte, BH - September 3rd to October 4th.
⊳ Ex-Libris. Marcelo Calheiros Collection. House 8, Girls' Room. 39th Pelotas Book Fair. Pelotas, RS.
⊳ Ex-Libris. Marcelo Calheiros Collection. Riograndense Library. Rio Grande, RS.
⊳ Ex-Libris. Marcelo Calheiros Collection . Xalé da Xilo. Atelier Marinês Bussetti, Farroupilha, RS
⊳ Ex-Libris. Marcelo Calheiros Collection. Craft Culture Point. Casino/Rio Grande. LOL.
⊳ Ex-Libris. Marcelo Calheiros Collection. Arte La Barca Art Gallery, Cassino, Rio Grande, RS – July 11th to August 11th.
⊳ Exhibition "A proprietary brand: the ex libris in the collection of the Mariano Procópio Museum" – Juiz de Fora, MG. 2017.
⊳ From the books: Ex-libris in the MNBA collections . (Virtual exhibition). Curated by Mary Komatsu Shinkado - Designed especially for the Google Art Project of the National Museum of Fine Arts, RJ.
⊳ Heraldic ex-libris: rare works from the Eichenberg Collection (Virtual exhibition). Exhibition of rare works from the Eichenberg Collection at the Central Library of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. - May and July.
⊳ Ex-libris: mark of an identity – Curated by André de Miranda. Sesc Arts Gallery, Palmas, TO - October 2nd to 31st. Comprising 136 works by 85 artists from different parts of the world such as Argentina, Ecuador, Estonia, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, most of them Brazil, belonging to the curator's collection, aiming to rescue the tradition of Ex-Libris in contemporary times.
⊳ Exhibition of Ex-libris of the Library of Rare Works of the School of Fine Arts of the EBA – EBAOR - A small exhibition of ex-libris, found in its collection, on the occasion of the “I Seminar of the Library of Rare Works of the School of Fine Arts from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro”, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - March 20 and 21.
⊳ Engraving/relief: experiences and experimentation – Exhibition by Eliana Ambrósio and George Gütlich and an overview of UFMG's woodcut and metal engraving workshops. University Museum of Art – MunA, Uberlândia, MG - October 11 to November 9.
⊳ Ex-libris: looks at libraries – (Virtual exhibition). Curated by librarians AlissaEspen Vian (Provenance), Juccia Nathiele (Librarian Life) and Mary Komatsu (Exlibris Hunter). On the occasion of the celebrations of Librarian's Day (March 12), the exhibition brings copies of the collections of Luiz Fernando de Carvalho, Luiz Fellipe Stelling, Elza Guerra Alemán, Gerson Witte and Marcelo Calheiros, in order to reflect the ex-libris with the theme about libraries. Launch took place in March.
⊳ 2nd International Ex libris Exhibition: mark of an identity – Curated by André de Miranda. The second edition of the exhibition proposes the dissemination and revitalization of this miniature art, of an educational nature, rescuing and promoting the Ex-libris. Blumenau Art Museum, SC – Scheduled opening: November 25th.