Work Presentation
AZEVEDO, FC; FREIRE, SC The stories that each copy of a book tells us: the marks of bibliographic origin and the dedications . PLANOR, FBN, Oct. 2018. Minicourse.
AZEVEDO, FC; LOUREIRO, MLNM After all, do objects speak? reflections on objects, collections and memory . In: National Meeting of Research in Information Science, n. XX ENANCIB, 2019.
BEFFA, Maria Lucia; NAPOLEONE, Luciana. Donation and collection of Bibliographic Collections for Public Institutions : flows, actions and general implications. In: Seminar “From my house to all: the institutionalization of private bibliographic collections”. Petrópolis, 2016.
RAMOS, Rafael Registro; D'ALCOL, Mitia Ganade; MACHADO NETO, Diosnio. The iconographic collection of Frei Pedro Sinzig . In: 13th International RIdIM Conference & 1st Brazilian Congress of Musical Iconography. Salvador: UFBA, 2011.
SICILIANO, TAC; ALENTEJO, ES Ex libris in Brazil : bibliophilia, heritage and identity. Rio de Janeiro, 2019.
SHINKADO, Mary Komatsu. The National Museum of Fine Arts Library is part of the Google Arts & Culture Project: experience report. In: 5th Art Information Seminar (2017. Rio de Janeiro, 2018.
VALENTINI, Delmir José ; WITTE, Gerson . Evidence of an Art in Extinction: the Ex-Libris of the Caçador Public Library in the Themes of the History of Contestado . In: II National Symposium on the Centenary of the Contestado Movement: Borders, colonization, conflicts and the environment (1912-2014), 2015, Chapecó - SC. Contested: Borders, colonization and conflicts (1912-2014). Porto Alegre: Letter and Life, 2015. v. 1. p. 141-157.
VIAN, Alissa Esperan; RODRIGUES, Marcia Carvalho. Ex-libris present in the rare collection of the Rio-Grandense Library . In: 18th Exhibition of University Production, Rio Grande/RS, FURG, 2019.
VIAN, Alissa Esperan; RODRIGUES, Marcia Carvalho. Property mark: a study on ex-libris . In: 20th Exhibition of University Production, Rio Grande/RS, FURG, 2021.
WITTE, Gerson. Creation of an ex-libris: identity, memory and education through image . In: II National Seminar on Research in Education: Connections and Dialogues in Graduate Studies, 2016, Chapecó. II National Seminar on Research in Education (II SENPE): Connections and Dialogues with Graduate Studies. São Carlos - SP: Pedro and João Editores, 2016. vIp307 - 322